pretty funky shit, but good none the less
pretty funky shit, but good none the less
drums are really weak and the strings are really low.
Lyrics are alright.
very nice track but
i dont know, it just needs to sound a little.... bigger. like, most of the time it sounded like it just the drums and the arp you were using, with a small build up sound every now and then.
Yeah, I know what You mean. this track have poor basssline. It should pumpin the whole song... To be honest, It's not my best production hehe.
Im happy that You enjoyed some part of it :]
Thanks for the feedback !
there is a limit to how confused breakbeat and can sound, as far as rythm and pitch varying, you were all over the place. when it first started i went, well maybe we will have a quick little super confused break intro, then go into some kind of steady rythm with small confusions, but to my surprise, everything got cluster fucked, and then that strange noise came in about half way through and that just scared me a little. Shame, i can sense alot of rythm and potential here, maybe its just not my style.
I wanted to try something that was all over the place, really (in terms of pitch and rythym as I wanted a raw edge) - maybe as an attempt to unnerve listeners, I started to sing and distorted the recording. It's more of an experiment, but if somebody can enjoy it, then that's cool.
Thanks for the review. :)
very good
i would consider this more ambient than classical
but regardless, i gave you a 5
I would put it under contemp. but I didnt see it haha.Thank you :)_
amazing song
also, that is one fucking sexy voice
pretty good
the saw should be a little quieter, and the whiny synth is really out of place in the beginning, but bseides that, its very good
is one of those submissions that i am surprised to see on newgrounds. sounds real professional, almost nujabes-like.
Thanks man glad you dig!
am i the only reviewer with their sanity still in tact? this hurt to listen to too be honest. The main synth was really annoying, some of the melodies had potential but i feel like most of them just had extra notes added in to make the song sound moire complete. Also, nothing is nearly busy enough to have your percussion be this basic. You literally just have a kick and a clap. also, there is almost no bass. please work on it, you have potential.
No way, I only have a kick and a clap? Thank you for the warning, Christgau!
Joined on 11/17/08